Sunday, December 18, 2011



What a concept.  Finding a spot within your own head and looking for some peace.

I haven't found peace in my own head for a long time.
I'm scared of whats up there.  All that space to think.  Hmmm.... even thinking about it makes me anxious.

Every mediation book speaks about finding the space in your own head where it's comfortable - I'm too afraid too even start looking.
I tried Yoga once and even then I did not like the last ten minutes of rest.

I just can't stop the thoughts.
Some days I'm not even in control of the thoughts.  They are like an out of control train that I know needs to be reigned in but I do not have the equipment to stop something with so much force.

I wish I could control it.  I wish I was in control.  But sadly I'm not.  Not even close.

I don't know who is in control.  Maybe my past?  I want some space in my own head.  A place I can retreat too and call my own.



  1. Try Yoga andstickwith it.It worth it

  2. There is a place up there that is ok

    Keep trying to find your own space - its worth it

  3. Meditation

    There are some good CDs out there that really help
    Check them out

  4. id say quiet time. Noone spends enough time being quiet.It is good
