Tuesday, December 13, 2011


It happened again.

Everything seemed fine, everything seemed normal, when it struck.
It had been a good week. No stress, no deadlines, no social pressures.
But still it hit me.

Sitting on the train, with no way to get off, it hit. First it was the shoulders. They just crept closer and closer to my ears. No matter what I did, they would not relax.

Then it was the heart rate. Despite having sat still on a train for the last ten minutes, my heart rate was through the roof, pounding at the walls of my chest.

Finally came the sweats. On a morning that held no heat, I was sweating uncontrollably. I could feel the patches under my arms getting bigger and bigger.

I had nothing to be anxious about. Nothing to fear. But it still struck me.

Hopefully, that is the only one for today.

1 comment:

  1. It can happen anytime. i hope it was the only one for the day for you
